Building Your Learning Community


K.I.S.S: Keep it Short and Sweet
Activities that help to build a supportive learning community


Another School Year

By: Valencia Burney


Do you still get excited about the first of school? I hope that you answer is a huge yes and if it is no, then ask yourself why because if you are not excited, then your students will not be excited either. The first day of school is all about the possibilities of learning something new, meeting new friends, and creating those memories that will last a life time. How do you create those special memories for your students and for yourself?

I encourage you to decide what type of learning environment you would like to create for your students and yourself. It should be an environment that welcomes all, stimulates the brain to learn and is comfortable, cozy and exciting. There should be a special routine on the first day where you get to know your students. What games and songs do you engage in so that they know they are special and their names are unique. I like to add an adjective to a student’s first name that expresses their personality and it’s a good way to remember their names as I get to know who my students are. For example, my adjective that describes me is Vibrant so I am Vibrant Valencia or Beautiful Burney for my last name.

As I like to always say Keep It Short and Sweet (K.I.S.S)

Now go and have fun creating those memories that will last a life time for you and your students, because we all should be excited about the first day of school.


Calming Corner